Tandigm Value Partners Public Reporting

ACO Name and Location

Tandigm Value Partners, LLC
300 Four Falls Corporate Center, Suite 260
West Conshohocken, PA 19428

ACO Primary Contact

Tiara Swindell
(215) 568-4735

Organizational Information

ACO Participants

ACO Participant in Joint Venture ACO Participant in Joint Venture
Grand View Hospital Y
Kim Kuhar, DO Internal Medicine PC Y
Steven Sklar, DO PC Y
TriValley Primary Care PC Y

ACO Governing Body

Member First Name Member Last Name Member Title/Position Member’s Voting Power (Expressed as a percentage) Membership Type ACO Participant Legal Business Name, if applicable
Mike Lachenmayer Executive Director 12.5% Other N/A
Natalie McGann Medical Director 12.5% ACO Participant Representative TriValley Primary Care, PC
Kim Kuhar Physician and Voting Member 12.5% ACO Participant Representative Kim Kuhar, DO, Internal Medicine, PC
Raquel Tomaine Physician and Voting Member 12.5% ACO Participant Representative Grand View Hospital
Hal Cohan Physician and Voting Member 12.5% ACO Participant Representative TriValley Primary Care, PC
Suzann Szewczak Physician and Voting Member 12.5% ACO Participant Representative Grand View Hospital
James Foxhall Physician and Voting Member 12.5% ACO Participant Representative TriValley Primary Care, PC
Phil Jackson Voting Member 12.5% Medicare Beneficiary Representative N/A

Key ACO Clinical and Administrative Leadership

ACO Executive: Mike Lachenmayer

Medical Director: Natalie McGann, MD

Compliance Officer: Marianne Stahl

Quality Assurance/Improvement Officer: Dana Pedrick, MHA, BSN, RN, CPC, ACM

Associated Committees and Committee Leadership 

Committee Name: Compliance Committee

Committee Leader Name and Position: Marianne Stahl (Chair)

Types of ACO Participants, or Combinations of Participants, That Formed the ACO:

  • ACO professionals in group practice arrangements
  • Networks of individual practices of ACO Professionals
  • Hospitals employing ACO professionals

Shared Savings and Losses

Amount of Shared Savings/Losses:

  • First Agreement Period
    • Performance Year 2022: $6,286,260

Shared Savings Distribution:

  • First Agreement Period
    • Performance Year 2022
      • Proportion invested in infrastructure: 10%
      • Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 30%
      • Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 60%

Quality Performance Results

2022 Quality Performance Results:

Quality performance results are based on CMS Web Interface

CMS Web Interface Measure Set

Measure # Measure Name Collection Type Reported Performance Rate Current Year Mean Performance Rate (SSP ACOs)
Quality ID# 001 Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control [1] CMS Web Interface 4.76 10.71
Quality ID# 134 Preventative Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-up Plan CMS Web Interface 89.24 76.97
Quality ID# 236 Controlling High Blood Pressure CMS Web Interface 79.76 76.16
Quality ID# 318 Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk CMS Web Interface 93.54 87.83
Quality ID# 110 Preventative Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization CMS Web Interface 86.03 77.34
Quality ID# 226 Preventative Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention CMS Web Interface 84.21 79.27
Quality ID# 113 Colorectal Cancer Screening CMS Web Interface 80.40 75.32
Quality ID# 112 Breast Cancer Screening CMS Web Interface 86.56 78.07
Quality ID# 438 Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease CMS Web Interface 84.71 86.37
Quality ID# 370 Depression Remission at Twelve Months CMS Web Interface 3.70 16.03

CMS Administrative Claims Measure Set

Measure # Measure Name Collection Type Reported Performance Rate Current Year Mean Performance Rate (SSP ACOs)
Measure# 479 Hospital-Wide, 30-Day, All-Cause Unplanned Readmission (HWR) Rate for MIPS Groups [1] Administrative Claims 0.1628 0.1510
Measure# 484 Clinician and Clinician Group Risk-standardized Hospital Admission Rates for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions [1] Administrative Claims 31.95 30.97

CAHPS for MIPS Measure Set

Measure ID Measure Name Collection Type Reported Performance Rate Current Year Mean Performance Rate (SSP ACOs)
CAHPS-1 Getting Timely Care, Appointments, and Information CAHPS for MIPS Survey 85.24 83.96
CAHPS-2 How Well Providers Communicate CAHPS for MIPS Survey 94.09 93.47
CAHPS-3 Patient’s Rating of Provider CAHPS for MIPS Survey 92.81 92.06
CAHPS-4 Access to Specialists CAHPS for MIPS Survey 73.43 77.00
CAHPS-5 Health Promotion and Education CAHPS for MIPS Survey 70.85 62.68
CAHPS-6 Shared Decision Making CAHPS for MIPS Survey 60.45 60.97
CAHPS-7 Health Status and Functional Status CAHPS for MIPS Survey 78.35 73.06
CAHPS-8 Care Coordination CAHPS for MIPS Survey 86.90 85.46
CAHPS-9 Courteous and Helpful Office Staff CAHPS for MIPS Survey 92.76 91.97
CAHPS-11 Stewardship of Patient Resources CAHPS for MIPS Survey 25.88 25.62

For previous years’ Financial and Quality Performance Results, please visit: data.cms.gov

Payment Rule Waivers

  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) 3-Day Rule Waiver:
  • Our ACO uses the SNF 3-Day Rule Waiver, pursuant to 42 CFR § 425.612.

ACO Participation Waiver

The following information describes each arrangement for which our ACO seeks protection under the ACO Participation Waiver, including any material amendment or modification to a disclosed arrangement.

  • Parties to the arrangement: Tandigm Value Partners, LLC and Tandigm Care Solutions, LLC
  • Date of arrangement: 08/04/2022
  • Items, services, goods, or facility provided: Social Work and Behavioral Health Services
  • Date and nature of any amendments to the arrangement, if applicable: N/A